BackThe visit of OSCE expert to Educational Complex

On the 12th of September of 2019 Community Police Adviser of OSCE strategic Police Matters Unit Mona Nordberg visited to Educational Complex of Police of RA.
The guest was met by the leadership of Educational Complex, with the guidance of Head of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police major general Mushegh Babayan.
The meeting was carried out also with the presence of the first Deputy Head of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police colonel Tigran Yesayan and Head of the Educational-methodical and development department, police colonel Gagik Gevorgyan.
At the beginning of the meeting the Head of Educational Complex greeted the guest and introduced the peculiarities, educational process and structure of Educational Complex.
OSCE adviser on community policing expressed her gratitude for hosting, mentioned about her visit held in last year, when she had suggested the project on education of community policing: “Strengthening partnership between public and police”, where there are some suggestions concerning to Educational Complex. The adviser emphasized that it has already been approved this year.
Afterwards the adviser presented the content and possible varieties to realize the project events, related to the community policing.
Summing up the discussion, among projects the Head of Educational Complex underlined the events, which are directly connected with the activity of Educational Complex and expressed his will to support and realize.
Community Police Adviser of OSCE strategic Police Matters Unit Mona Nordberg was grateful for readiness hoping that bilateral communication will be continued.