The selection procedure of the lecturers for Police Patrol officers was launched

On the 29th of July the first meeting of the Committee for the selection of the lecturers of newly formulated patrol policing service was launched at the Educational Complex of Police of RA.
The meeting was commenced by the Deputy Head of Police of RA, police colonel T. Yesayan, again emphasizing that the newly formulated police service is the first step to new police creation, the basic ground of which is the selection of proper lecturing staff.
The Head of Educational Complex, police major general M. Babayan wished success to the participants of the competition, mentioning that the most important thing is to create dignified and law-abiding police officer. In order to pass fair and objective competition, it was formulated the special committee at the Educational Complex of Police of RA, designed for the interview of the competition with the lecturing staff, intended to educate the appliers wishing to be appointed on the duty at Police of RA, with the following committee staff: Head of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police major general Mushegh Babayan (Head of the committee), Deputy Head of the Department of Personnel Policy, Head of the division of vocational work management, police colonel Armen Charents, Head of the Department of international legal cooperation of the Ministry of Justice Tigran Grigoryan, Coordinator-adviser of the Department of international legal cooperation of the Ministry of Justice Amalya Hovsepyan, Project manager of the Forensic and Legal reforms of EU delegation to Armenia Irina Movsisyan, Project coordinator of the law enforcement cooperation and countering Narcotics (INL) of the USA embassy to Armenia Karine Keshabyan, Head of the Resident of the Democratic team of UN Development Program in Armenia Alla Bakunts, the first Deputy Head of Police Educational Complex of RA, police lieutenant colonel Misak Markosyan, Head of Academy of the Educational Complex, police colonel Gagik Grigoryan, Head of Training Centre of the Educational Complex Armen Sukiasyan.
153 lecturers applied to train 3 subjects and 22 modules to the newly formulated police patrol officers. The selection procedure of the lecturers is still at the beginning level and will have continuation in further.