The first oath of learners of Patrolling

Today’s oath ceremony has been differentiated from others. Learners of 5-month courses of newly formulated patrol service of Police of the Republic of Armenia were on the row ground. They gave oath to devote themselves wholly to the motherland, state and society. Deputy Head of Police of the Republic of Armenia, police colonel Ara Fidanyan, Deputy Head of Minister of Justice Qristine Grigoryan, Coordinator-Advisor of International Legal Cooperation Department Amalya Hovsepyan, Head of the NGO “Union of Informed Citizens” Daniel Ioannisyan, leadership staff of Educational Complex of Police of RA, with the headship of Educational Complex, police major general Mushegh Babayan presented at the event.
At the beginning of the ceremony, the guests put flowers at the memorial dedicated to police officers died during service and Artsakh war.
-Today is marked a significant day, as it is a start for the creation of new policing. Your conscientious service is intended not only for countering crime, keeping public order, but also serving for society and staying next to each citizen,- Deputy Head of Police of RA, police colonel Ara Fidanyan mentioned in his greeting speech.
Deputy Head of Minister of Justice of RA Qristine Grigoryan, turning to the learners of patrol policing, congratulated and wished them a good start as well as honorable service: “Today you gave oath to be faithful to constitutional order, unconditionally governed by laws, to protect the land. This day has been marked as a key point of a great way”.
Patrol service learner Gevorg Babayan also wished to say a speech. He gave a gratitude on behalf of his and other learners to give such opportunity, mentioning that hereinafter patrol police officer will present himself newly to the society: “Image of a country is formulated also through police external service. While appointing on duties, we’ll work with a great devotion, investing vocational abilities and skills during education” .
The event was ended with solemn march.