The educational and pre-graduation practice was commenced

On 14th of February, 2020 it was taken place the meeting in the club of Educational Complex of Police of RA, which concerned to giving order-instruction to the learners of Law Faculty of Academy of Educational Complex, passing educational and pre-graduation practice.
The Head of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police major general M. Babayan, Head of Academy, police colonel G. Grigoryan, the leadership staff of Academy, Heads of the chairs, and representatives of professorial-lecturing staff presented at the meeting related to order-instruction.
Before giving order-instruction M. Babayan talked about problems of enhancing the efficiency of practice, gave importance to the cooperation with the territorial divisions of Police of RA during practice, emphasizing the necessity to keep the noble police reputation and the corresponding perception of the society toward the reformed image of police officer.
The appropriate orders were given to the supervisors of practice and the headship of Academy by the Head of Educational Complex related to the methodical provision of the supervision and conduction of practice.
The Head of Academy G. Grigoryan also talked about arrangement of practice, its goals and essential points.
Deputy Head of Academy, police lieutenant colonel R. Marandyan introduced the apportionment according to the appropriate subdivisions of Police of RA (places to conduct practice), as well as the order to appoint supervisors of practice among officers of Educational Complex.
The heads of chairs introduced the projects of practice according to the fields, the form of summarizing and protection of practice, clarified the issues, which are interesting for students.
The learners and supervisors of practice were provided the samples of previously elaborated and approved projects.