BackRoundtable discussion in the RoA Police Educational Complex

2 October 2015 – Based on the framework of the Annual Working Program between the Armenian Police and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF) a roundtable discussion on human rights and gender issues was held in the RoA Police Educational Complex with the financial support of the OSCE Office in Yerevan. The discussion was facilitated by DECAF experts Dr Tim PARSONS and Heather HUHTANEN.
Opening remarks were given by Lieutenant-General Hovh. Varyan, Head of the RoA Police Educational Complex, and Susanna Naltakyan, National Politico-Military Program Officer, OSCE Office in Yerevan.
The discussion addressed the issues of human rights and freedoms stipulated in the international legal instruments, the commitments assumed by the countries towards ensuring those rights, building and developing police behavior consistent with human rights and freedoms.
During the second part of the discussion, “sex” and “gender” notions were highlighted. Gender equality, identification of existing obstacles and other gender-related issues were discussed.
Lieutenant-colonel Tigran Yesayan, Deputy Head of Police Educational Complex, offered his concluding remarks expressing his gratitude to the OSCE Office in Yerevan for the ongoing support.