BackExchange of experience by the United Kingdom experts

13 to 16 November 2017 - Workshops on “Human Resources Management” and “Fight against Domestic Violence” were held at the RA Police Educational Complex by the support of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces. The officers from different police departments participated in the workshops.
Welcoming remarks were given to the participants of the workshops by Lieutenant General Hovh. Varyan, Head of the Police Educational Complex, Doctor Philipp Fluri, Deputy Director of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces and Colonel Armen Sedrakyan, Deputy Head of International Cooperation Department of RA Police Headquarters. Mr. Varyan highlighted the implementation of such programs and expressed hope that the knowledge gained would make the day-to-day service more effective.
The workshops were conducted by the London Metropolitan University professors, Dr. Tim Parsons and Dr. David Clarke.