BackVisit of the delegation of the Academy of MIA Georgia to the Police Educational Complex

The delegation of the Academy of MIA Georgia paid three days study visit to Yerevan. The delegation was composed of newly appointed Rector of MIA Academy of Georgia, Givi Mikanadze, Vice Rector Yacov Glonti and Rector Adviser David Gelashvili.
26 January 2016 – The guests visited the RoA Police Educational Complex where they had a tour around the area accompanied by Lieutenant-General Hovh. Varyan, Head of the RoA Police Educational Complex, paying tribute to the memorial of police officers who died while performing police duties, got acquainted with the Educational Complex structure, educational programs, as well as future programs.
Then the meeting of delegation members with management and teaching staff of the Educational Complex was held, during which Givi Mikanadze was awarded the medal for “Strengthening cooperation”, Yacov Glonti and David Gelashvili were awarded the “Excellent service in police” pin according to the order of Lieutenant-general Vladimir Gasparyan, Head of Police of RA. The awards were handed by Hovh. Varyan.
Both educational institutions highlighted the importance of deepening and strengthening the cooperation between law enforcement agencies, as well as the necessity of exchange of experience in the educational process.
At the end of the meeting the Action-Plan 2017 was signed between the RA Police Educational Complex and the Academy of MIA Georgia.
Within the visit, the guests were in Tsitsernakaberd, laid flowers at the eternal fire of the memorial dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide, after which they walked through the Genocide Museum-Institute, got acquainted with the real footages and evidence materials of the tragedy.
During the day, the delegation got acquainted with the Armenian cultural values: they visited Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the spiritual and administrative center of the Armenian Apostolic Church and its museum, got acquainted with the centuries-long Christian history.
The guests were in Yerevan Ararat Brandy-Wine-Vodka Factory where they got acquainted with the Brandy legend, saw one of the oldest Armenian barrels, toured through the aging factory and tasted delicious brandy.