The admission of applicants of second stage of educational center for educational year 2019-2020 was overed

On 20th of December, 2019 the meeting was held between the applicants of second stage of educational center for educational year 2019-2020 and the admission committee. Head of educational-methodical and development department, police colonel G. Gevorgyan introduced the members of admission committee to the applicants, acquainted with the inspection procedure of admission and conditions. At the end of the meeting the examination checking papers were handed to the applicants.
From 23-25 of December, there were carried out the admission exams of educational center of Educational Complex. The applicants passed complex inspection concerning to the vocational usability (testing through computer) and physical readiness normative. 39 applicants participated in the admission exams. After summing up the results of the testing, 34 among them got opportunity to participate in physical readiness exam, and at the result of which 23 applicants entered the educational center of Educational Complex of Police of RA.