BackNational Cultures Day in Volgograd

8 December 2017 – Within the framework of the National Cultures Day a round table on "Tolerance as a Factor of Interethnic and Interfaith Interaction and Rapprochement of Cultures" was held at the Volgograd Academy of the MIA of RF which was attended by the Police Colonel Tigran Yesayan, First Deputy Head of the Police Educational Complex. He presented a report on "Freedom of Religion and the Right to Preserve National and Ethnic Identity in the Republic of Armenia". A number of other events were also organized, including a quiz on "Country, State, Homeland ...", a photo exhibition on "A Presentation of the Countries of the RF Republics, Near and Far Abroad", visit to the international company club and exhibition with national costumes.
During the visit, Police Colonel T. Yesayan met with the leadership of the Volgograd Academy of the MIA of RF and they discussed jointly implemented programs with the Police Educational Complex of RA. Mr. Yesayan visited the chairs of Criminal Intelligence, Forensic Science, Criminal Procedure and Languages of the Academy, and met with heads and teaching staff of the chairs. He also visited General Library where, as a result of the study, he selected the necessary literature which the Volgograd Academy of the MIA of RF donated to the Educational Complex.