BackWorkshop on “Career Development in the Police System” within the framework of TAIEX

28 to 29 November 2017 – The delegation of the Police Educational Complex of RA participated in the workshop on “Career Development in the Police System” organized within the framework of TAIEX and with the help of the MIA Academy of Georgia. The delegation was headed by the police Lieutenant General Hovh. Varyan, Head of the Police Educational Complex of RA, and the members were police Colonel M. Muradyan, Deputy Head of the Police Educational Complex on Human Resources and Staff for Personnel, police Lieutenant Colonel G. Davtyan, Head of the International Cooperation and IT Unit of the Police Educational Complex, police Captain A. Ghukasyan, Senior Inspector of the Auto Service Group of the Educational Complex Economic Unit. Representatives of police universities of Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and Azerbaijan also participated in the event.
On the first day of the event, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia Nino Javakhadze, and the Rector of MIA Academy of Georgia Givi Mikanadze opened the conference. Then, experts from Austria, the Netherlands, Lithuania and the Czech Republic made speeches on “Career Development in the Police System”.
After the experts' speeches, the participants presented the police system procedures in their countries. From the Armenian delegation a speech was made by Mr. Muradyan. He introduced the procedure and legislation of the career development in the RA police system. The representatives of different countries asked questions which were clarified by the Lieutenant General Hovh. Varyan.
On the same day, Joint Action Plan 2018 was signed between the Police Educational Complex of RA and the MIA Academy of Georgia.
The next day, works were organized with separate groups on which one representative from each country was involved. The groups studied the issues raised, the experience, and discussed the strengths and weaknesses scrupulously.
Within the framework of the visit cultural events were held, particularly, visits to the museums and historical and cultural monuments.