Show news
- 06.09.2014
- 05.09.2014New sport equipment for the RoA Police Educational Complex
- 05.09.2014International expert visits the RoA Police Educational Complex
- 01.09.2014
- 29.08.2014College graduates of the academic year 2013-2014
- 02.08.2014
- 31.07.2014
- 09.07.2014Certificate Award Ceremony Held in American University of Armenia
- 04.07.2014Oath-Taking Ceremony Held in the RoA Police Educational Complex
- 02.07.2014
- 01.07.2014Activity Report
- 25.06.2014President of the RoA Constitutional Court Visits the RoA Police Educational Complex
- 23.06.2014Recognition for Years of Service
- 20.06.2014RoA Police Educational Complex Honors Class of 2014 with Commencement Ceremony
- 19.06.2014Bulgarian National Police Economic Crime Unit Official Visits the RoA Police Educational Complex
- 18.06.2014Delegation of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces Visits the RoA Police Educational Complex
- 17.06.2014
- 12.06.2014RoA Police Educational Complex Vocal Group “Angels in Uniform” Participates in the 4th Republican Song Festival Contest “Favorite Songs of Russia”