BackThe Delegation of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department visits the Police Educational Complex of RA

On February 20, 2018 the deputy head of the Strategic Police Matters Unit of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department, Thorsten Stodiek and Police Affairs Officer of Police Strategic Issues Division and Adviser of Police Issues and Police Reforms of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department, Anders Danielsson were hosted with the study visit to the Police Educational Complex.
The guests were greeted and accompanied by the First Deputy Head of the Police Educational Complex of RA, Police Colonel T. Yesayan, Head of the Educational-Methodical Department, Police Colonel G. Gevorgyan, and the members of the delegation had a study tour in the Educational Complex, got acquainted with the structure of Educational Complex, implemented educational projects and intended reforms. The guests were in the gym, with the modern sport equipment, specialized computer room for entrance exams, educational auditorium of the countering organized crime, which were equipped with the support of OSCE office in Yerevan.
Afterwards, the meeting was carried out with the Educational Complex, College Management and professorial staff, in the framework of which, several issues were discussed regarding the community policing activity, retraining its workers, domestic violence, the psychological readiness of police officers, as well as about issues related to the educational subjects and projects.
At the end of the meeting, the First Deputy Head of the Police Educational Complex of RA, Police Colonel T. Yesayan emphasized the importance of the cooperation with the OSCE and expressed his hope that the further correlation would be continued.