Show news
- 22.09.2020“Ognevushka” won in the Pan-Russian literary competition
- 19.09.2020The process of the formulation of Patrol policing continues
- 18.09.2020The chair of Criminal Law and Criminology after all has a new Head
- 18.09.2020Police officers of Educational Complex were awarded regarding the Independence Day
- 18.09.2020The admission of the first flow of training center during educational year 2020-2021 was finished
- 17.09.2020Now it is the turn for physical preparedness checking
- 16.09.2020The serial meeting of the Scientific Council took place
- 14.09.2020
- 07.09.2020The examination of applicants of patrol policing was launched
- 03.09.2020The first meeting of the admission committee of the competition of education and training to be appointed on the duty of Patrol Policing service was held
- 31.08.2020The second edition of scientific practical handbook “Russian Language” was published
- 27.08.2020The best ones became learners of College
- 26.08.2020The assessment procedure for entering College has been finished
- 25.08.2020The Educational Complex has 52 new learners
- 24.08.2020The outcomes of the subject on “Armenian history” are clear now
- 19.08.2020The names of newly selected learners of Bachelor Degree of Law Faculty of Academy of Educational Complex are now clear
- 18.08.2020The outcomes of checking physical preparedness
- 17.08.2020